Freelance Illustrator focusing on brand design, editorial illustration and mural wall art.

My art showcases and celebrates bodies, in all of their strengths and vulnerabilities, recognising the joy of everyday interactions.

I work instinctively, working quickly to respond to the figure in front of me. I enjoy working to a larger scale and my artworks often have an additional paper attached to encompass an arm or foot. I use whatever medium I have close to me but enjoy working with a soluble graphite, soft pastel and gouache. I enjoy the flexibility of the medium and the opportunity to work with my hands to create the texture I require. My work is inspired by the soft palette in the skin, sepias, caramels, apricots and peaches whilst also using a splash of contrasting highlighter pink or indigo.

Sketchbook Pages

I can often be found in Sheffield, collecting images and inspiration from people out and about to take back to my studio. I also extensively use my sketchbook in my studio to experiment with new ideas and compositions.

To see more of my sketchbook pages and behind the scenes process, follow me on Instagram.